You must apply to identify as someone with extraordinary abilities or exceptional skills in your field eligible for an EB1 visa. At the same time, this may sound like a grueling process. When done right with the proper steps and planning you will be able to show off all that you can do!

This guide will give you an insight into the ordinary ability group of candidates. What qualifies here and how to tell your story in a way that screams exceptional. Even if you are in science, arts, or even business, it is important to know this kind of information that can help your case for the visa application.

Understanding Extraordinary Ability

The EB1 Visa – is for individuals with extraordinary ability in sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics. This group also takes in exceptional professors and researchers, as well as certain multinational executives or managers. To be eligible you need to demonstrate that your work has brought national or international acclaim. Also, recognition in the field with substantial documentation.

The EB2 Visa – Professionals with advanced degrees or persons with exceptional ability in the sciences, arts, and business. The criteria for scoring points in the EB1 are a bit less stringent than those of the EB1. However, you must still show that you have extraordinary abilities and achievements within your field.

Criteria for Proving on EB1

For the EB1 visa applicants, this is a category reserved for those who can provide evidence of their extraordinary ability and must make it clear they hold at least three (3) criteria. The first is through evidence of national or international prizes in the field. This demonstrates that the work of this applicant goes above and beyond. As it never ceases to be awarded recognition from individuals in their area.

Secondly, present clear-cut evidence of membership in organizations that call for a high level of accomplishment. Being part of such exclusive clubs would show the applicant is a subject matter expert and someone who brings value.

You must also specify any published material about the applicant in professional or major trade publications or media. These can be used to highlight the candidate’s contributions and accomplishments in that field.

Moreover, evidence of original contributions that have been recognized as major significance is key. Strong evidence of unique and meaningful work greatly bolsters the argument.

The fact that the applicant was able to carry out at a high level in an executive or important function. Among well-known businesses and institutions is evidence of leadership and trust granted by top-level entities.

Lastly, showing the applicant receives high pay or other significantly large remuneration to others working in his field signifies rare skills and talents.

Presenting these criteria carefully can be a good way to prove extraordinary ability for the EB1 visa. Our team at The Law Office of Olena Manilich can provide you with personalized guidance and assist you in maneuvering through this complex process, as well as build a stronger case for your application.

Criteria for Proving on EB2

In order to demonstrate extraordinary ability for the EB2 visa, you must prove that you possess exceptional abilities and accomplishments in your field. To start with, an official academic record shows that you have completed the course of study for which it is given. Also, it needs to indicate your completion of such a course, if relevant to the area of exceptional ability. If you have an academic background in the specific, this makes a sound basis for your assertion.

Then come letters from either current or past employer(s) showing at least ten years of experience practicing these full-time employment categories. These are letters that provide an in-depth description of your career story and the capabilities you have gained over time.

Securing a license to work in your field or certification for the job you wish to do is another important move. This is just further evidence of your competence and that you care about being a top magus.

Another important part is showing that you command a wage or other remuneration when evaluating your ability. The salary you receive always shows your pattern alongside others in the same field of endeavor.

You can also add any other equivalent proof of your great capacity to help and strength-assist in helping you do an excellent job. Demonstrating this in these parts helps to show your exceptional ability when you apply for the EB2 visa.

Call to get help from The Law Office of Olena Manilich today. We offer guidance specific to your needs so you can collect and prepare all of the evidence required for a robust, strong application. Reach out to us today and see how we can help you with your immigration desires.


Demonstrating exceptional ability for either an EB1 or EB2 visa requires careful preparation and documentation. Provided with this information, you can meet the strict requirements of each visa category. Also, substantiate your experience as a remarkable professional. While you might not have the fancy awards or professional organization membership that sticks out on a resume. Showing what differentiates you from other candidates is paramount.

Although the visa application process is complex, you do not have to go through it alone. The Law Office of Olena Manilich makes it their mission to help people just like you. We make sure you have the support required at every stage of your visa processing starting from amassing evidence to lodging an application for permanent residence. Schedule an appointment now to find out how we can help you with your immigration objectives and future in the United States.